Mission to Cambodia 2012
from Tyler Moser

So far Cambodia has been amazing. No words can describe all of the things that we have seen, done, or felt during this crazy trip. For me, Cambodia was an opportunity to travel one last time before graduating college. I have always loved to travel, and when Southeast Asia was mentioned, I was like “Sure, why not? It can’t be that bad, and I love Thai food, so at least the cuisine should be fine.” However, what Cambodia is, is quite different from what I had imagined or even seen on television, in magazines, etc. The people are truly special, minus the haggling and bartering, I have enjoyed every second of my Asian adventure.
When I originally signed up to be on this trip I was told that I would be the only guy going, and that there were eleven girls. This obviously brought on mixed emotions that were brought upon by my own insecurities. But actually the ladies have been splendid, and there have been two brothers from the church her that have been hanging out with us for the bulk of the trip. So needless to say I’m not lonely, but I am learning a lot about women.
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