Mission to Cambodia Day 18

Mission to Cambodia 2012
from Erin Pettepher and Audrey Robinson

Wow! This trip has been such a blessing for each and every one of us. We have had amazing opportunities to see and receive the love from God’s children here, as well as opportunities to share that same love. Our last full day in Cambodia was packed with fun activities. We started our day out with visiting Phnom Penh Church of Christ. Both of us got the chance to sing with the church. And when we say sing, we mean standing up on stage, with the microphone ON, singing our little hearts out. Both of our families can attest that we should not be leading worship, but we know that God does not ask for a pretty sound but a joyful sound. And boy were we JOYFUL! It was so amazing to hear the songs sung in English and Khmer and all the while knowing that God understood it all. Big thanks for Tyler for truly leading worship as well as encouraging us to sing higher and louder than we probably should have. Words cannot describe how thankful we are for being able to meet our brothers and sisters in the church across the world.

Later on in the day, after being hinted of a surprise (Cambodians can’t keep a secret), we were “surprised” with a fun boat ride that had Cambodian dancing and dinner with our closest friends. It was a great way to say goodbye to Cambodia and finish out our three week journey in this beautiful country. After a long walk this morning through the city, we are headed to the airport to go to Taipei, to Los Angeles, to Dallas, to home sweet home Nashville! See you soon!

Love, Erin and Audrey

P.S. We can’t wait for the welcome wagon. 🙂

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