Mission to Cambodia: First Day at Sihanouk Hospital

Mission to Cambodia 2013
Brittany Woods

The School of Nursing is again sponsoring a student mission trip to Cambodia this May and students and faculty are posting about their experiences.  Keep watch here over the next two weeks for new posts!

Today was our first day was our first day to go out into Cambodia, and my group was going to the Sihanouk Hospital Center of Hope. The group consists of 7 girls and it is led by Mrs. Taplin and Mrs. Blank. For those of us who have never been to Cambodia before we were very excited to see what this hospital was like and to interact with the people, and for the returners, they were excited to get back and reunite with some familiar faces and begin helping.

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Mission to Cambodia: A test of endurance

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Julie Bonds

10 days ago, running 26.2 miles seemed impossible as I tried to tell my feet to keep going step after step after step; but some how, some way I made it through the intense 26.2 miles and the finish line brought so much overwhelming joy and hope for things to come.

Today was one of those days where I needed to grasp onto the joy and hope of crossing the finish line to get through the morning of intense heat, physical labor, and immeasurable gratitude.

The day started with an alarm clock set for 5:15 am, which never went off considering the anticipation of setting foot in Cambodia for the first time woke me up at 5 ready to meet the running group at 5:30 am. Continue reading