Mission to Cambodia: The long trek to Phonm Penh

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Taylor Bonds

After crossing day after day on my calendar with my dark green pen, the early morning of May 5th has finally arrived and you can now find me sitting in a damp seat cushion on top of a folded magazine because who knows what the “dampness” could be! Immediately, my mind started to race about what this trip will be like? What the culture will be like? How many children I will fall in love with? If I will want to come back? And, selfishly I wonder what a Cambodian birthday will be like! The whole night last night I watched the clock on my computer go minute by minute so I decided the best problem solver was to stay up all night hoping that I will sleep the entire 14 hours and 32 minutes to South Korea from Dallas!… I guess we will see if my hypothesis is correct in about 3 hours! Continue reading