Mission to Cambodia: A paradigm shift

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Michael James

Some people may be wondering why it took me so long to write my blog for this trip.  I wish I had a deep answer that would suffice, however, the truth is I have been to busy enjoying Cambodia to write it.  This does give me an opportunity to reflect on the trip as a whole and analyze things that have changed within me as a result of nearly three weeks in the Khmer culture.

This trip started out as a nursing trip, but quickly shifted into a mission from God.  We were able to do tremendous things on this trip including building a house for family in need, going into utter poverty to take food and medicine to those who would otherwise be without, and observe some amazing work within the hospitals and churches of Cambodia.  There was a myriad of emotions running through us as each new challenge arose.  A bit of pride in the things we were able to accomplish quickly resolved into humility as we realized that the impact Cambodia would have on us far outweighed the impact we had on it. Continue reading