Mission to Cambodia: The house and the killing fields

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Taylor Bonds

There are not many things that push you physically to a place where you can hardly stand, but after working on the house today I almost fell over from the intense labor we all poured out while sleep deprived, dehydrated, and with a very hot sun. This feeling of working as hard as your body will allow you is one special feeling that not many can experience. As I pounded the cement barrel into the concrete flooring, carried basket after basket of sand, bucket after bucket, and mixed concrete I could truly feel God’s love pouring out of my hands into this wonderful house.


He chose me.

My unworthy, selfish, and controlling self.

“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.” Luke 17:10 NIV

He put me here in Cambodia, SO far away from home to help this one family have a place to grow together as a family, a place to gather for dinner, and a place where they can sleep safely at night. Instead, of the 4 boys sleeping in the cow’s home they can now sleep in their house with the rest of their siblings.


I am blessed. Continue reading

Mission to Cambodia: Hope Hospital

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Taylor Bonds

Today, we woke with a walk by the Vietnam memorial. It is such a wonderful way to start the day. We worked at the Hope Hospital in Phonm Penh that is completely run by donations from Hope. I did not prepare myself for the things that I saw while in the hospital: the brittle patients with bones seeping through their skin, their faces that are sunk in, and the pain that they feel yet do not show in their lifeless facial expressions. It gave me a sense of helplessness as I observed the nurses trying to cool down a girl who had an extremely high fever that was 21 years old yet looked 10 from her illness that has taken over her entire body. How can they cool her down if the hospital does not even have air conditioning to cool down the ninety-eight degree room she is staying in? Continue reading

Mission to Cambodia: Today I lived the dream to which most Belmont students aspire. . .

Mission to Cambodia 2013
from Natalie Heflin

Today I lived the dream to which most Belmont students aspire. I walked into a crowded room of people clapping for me as I was preparing to use my skills. Okay, I’m not as cool as I am making myself sound, so I’ll be honest: Today was the day we went to the local nursing school to teach around 150 students that have been in the program for 6 months some basic nursing skills-including SBAR (nurse to doctor communication), pain assessments, and catheter insertion.

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