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Andy's Personal Thoughts


I am very excited. I am excited about the people that I am going with and all the fun we are going to have. It is so much fun to play with kids and to let them know how important they are and that God loves them. It is going to be a lot of work though and I am just praying that our attitudes and health stay in top shape throughout the trip. I am excited yet nervous about my role, seeing that I can't play basketball due to my finger injury. This trip will be unique in the fact that I won't be able to participate in some activities. Brittany and I said that we would just coach! All in all I can't wait to get there and shower people with love!



We're praying for you to accomplish great things on this trip. I'm also praying for a healing in that finger. You are by far my youngest daughter's favorite player. She is looking forward to you playing next season.

I'd bet the farm that an injured finger won't keep you from finding (and speaking with) more Brazilian friends than ever! I can already visualize you engaging the crowds who are watching basketball drills/games...there are divine appointments waiting for you like you have never experienced before. Know that we are praying for you all.

Andy, Im excited for what God is sure to accomplish through you on this trip. I was thinking back to the first one to Ukraine with you (which was so much fun) and I know you've grown stronger in your faith since then! Ill be praying for you each day the next two weeks.Go get 'em!
Love, Britt

thanks so much.. well im sitting here in an internet cafe with stefan and keaton.. we are looking forward to getting to play tomorrow and we appreciate your words and prayer...

Have fun, be safe and spread the "good news"!! In the words of a famous German, please tell everyone "be healthy, be happy and be kind to all"
Unsere Liebe, Dad
PS - You'd better not play today!!

We are glad that your team arrived safely. We know that you will be a blessing to those that you minster to.Take care of that hand keep it out of harms way.
We love you.,
Grandaddy and Shirley Dorsey.

Hi Andy! Carin sent me the link. I can keep up with you just like during the season! Enjoy the trip. I am sure you have all the children smiling! Take care!

Hi Ange! How's it going and how are you? So very nifty to read about all of your activities and about the good things you all are doing! Lots of prayers are being sent your way so you guys can stay strong and keep up the good work ! Smile a lot, take care, can't wait to see you at the cabin big dog ! LOVE, Stork

We miss you so much! We know that you are touching so many lives and we are so proud of you! Keep doing your finger exercises !! We love you so much...come home safely to us!!
Jen and Em

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