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Keaton's Personal Thoughts


I am very excited about the trip we are about to take to Rio on Monday. This will be my second mission trip in three years. Heading into the first one to Venezuela I really didn't know what to expect. I just knew that we would be helping people come closer to our Savior, and we definitely achieved that! I am really looking forward to seeing the Brazilian culture and how they are different than we are. I think that is one of the best things about leaving the country, and that is comparing their lifestyle to ours. I respect the way different countries do things.

I have been praying a lot about this trip. I beleive it is a perfect time in my life to do missionary work. I want to get out and not only help people, but I want my relationship with Jesus Christ to grow even stronger. I stopped by BW's office the other day and we were talking about the trip. One of the things that I told her that I was excited about was when the trip ends my relationship with the Lord will have enhanced. I am really looking forward to that!!

Again, I am excited about this trip. I just wanted to post how I was feeling a week prior to the trip. It is going to be very exhausting, but God will undoubtly help us get through it! It's going to be an incredible journey!



We're praying for you to accomplish great things. I am pleased to see that you want to grow closer to the Lord while helping others. May you be blessed not only on this trip, but on the rest of your career at Belmont.

I seem to remember a lot of this from Venezuela:
Keaton With Children.

It may sound stale, but an old Knights of Pythogoras saying, "A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child", just seems to fit.

Have a great trip, Keaton!

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