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Andrew's Personal Thoughts


I am definitely excited about the mission trip to Brazil. Since this is my first mission trip, I am a little unsure of what to expect. I am excited to see a different culture, but the main emotion I feel right now is nervousness. I’m sure once we get there, then I’ll be alright. Hopefully, we will make an impact during our time in Rio, and hopefully, Rio will make an impact on us.



Glad to see you made it ok! Reading your initial blog made me think of a well known verse from Phillipians that is very relevant on this first trip of yours: "I can do everything through him who gives me strength". Those kids are going to love you, House. I'll be praying every day for you and your teammates!
Love, Britt

Hi Andrew! I am Cissa, that you knew in Rio De Janeiro, in a municipal school, Pio X...remember me? I am that the girl that was with my twin sister! You gave the blouse for us! Very we are been thankful.

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