2015 Mission to Guatemala: Day 1

Two separate teams of health science students are in Guatemala over Spring Break this year.  One team consists of nursing and pharmacy students.  The other includes OT and PT students.  Both  team are writing about their experiences.

RachelSearfossTeam Nursing/Pharmacy
from Rachel Searfoss

Yesterday was lift off! A group of 20 students and faculty from the College of Health Sciences and Pharmacy ventured from Nashville to embark on the Immersion Mission trip over spring break 2015. The Immersion mission trip to Antigua, Guatemala connects students and faculty with local workers and families in Guatemala, hoping to reach others’ physical needs through the skills we have learned thus far and also their spiritual needs, giving our hearts and our testimony to others wherever they need it.

After flying in and staying overnight in Guatemala City, the group finally made it to our destination here in Antigua. Picture this: blue skies interspersed with fluffy clouds, lazily making their way around an active volcano seen rising in the midst of the beaming sunshine, all while steadying oneself upon the historic cobblestone streets, touching the stone walls of a church built in years past. This is Antigua. A city bustling around statuesque churches with street vendors selling anything from candies to tapestries comes alive in the afternoon to meet our eager and excited group. Our first stop – the local grocery store.

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