Mission to Cambodia Day 11

Mission to Cambodia 2012
from Catherine McMullan

Sunday morning we packed up our things and prepared for the long bus ride from Battambang back to Phnom Penh, but before we left we had the privilege of going to church at Kevin and Anna’s house. In order for this blog to make sense, you should know that I have really been struggling this trip with seeing so much hurt and not being able to do anything about it. I have been on similar trips to Honduras in the past, but my heart has never been as heavy as it has been at some points during this trip. Sunday morning was one of those points. I don’t know why but I woke up that morning incredibly burdened and feeling hopeless, like nothing I could ever do could have even a small impact in anyone’s life. Going to church and seeing the love and inexplicable joy in the faces of people we had met during our time in Battambang was exactly what I needed. Instantly my spirit was lifted and I had peace. Seeing people who are in the middle of such hardships have such contagious joy gave me hope and reassurance that God is definitely still in control.  It also gave me a fresh perspective. I walked in feeling so burdened, but within minutes the love of the Lord that shone through the people in the church completely changed my heart and lifted my spirit. I thought about it on the bus ride home and what a difference the tangible love of God can make for not just me, but every patient I come into contact with.

Of course six hours is a long time to be on a bus. Naturally we were all a little delirious towards the end (see video).  Enjoy! 🙂