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Monday's Activites



Today the team will be very busy. We will go to 3 public schools and do a court dedication. This Basketball court has not been used until today. It has been waiting for the American Team to come. Marshu told the team that the court will be baptized in the Spirit of the Lord today by their presence, play, and testimony.

Colossians 3:11 .....Christ is all, and is in All.



Have a great start to the week and keep on doing great things for Rio. Praying for you all every day.

I continue to be amazed at the work you all are doing, through your willingness and talents to reach out to the young people there. Your presence and testimonies are surly a blessing to all. My thoughts and prayers stay with you!
Jodie Everhart

Praying for all of you. It is so interesting to read of the things you are doing and how the Lord is blessing. Love in Christ, Clara Huff
Wilmington, NC.

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