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Growing up with a father who loved James Taylor, I can’t quit thinking about his song titled, “Only a Dream in Rio.” It seems like we are in a dream down here. I couldn’t have imagined the people being more receptive of us or our message. I am anxious for today and the last leg of the trip, because of where we will be. Up until now we have spent our time in mostly private schools or private clubs. Today we venture into the public sector where the kids come from completely different life styles. These are the kids that probably need our message the most. I pray that we will be at our best for these last few days.

This is my third trip with BW. Like the trips before, I find myself thinking about the effects that this trip will have on my life as time goes on. I ask myself, “How can I be so bold and driven in a country so far away from home? Why is it easy for me to spread this message when I am pulled away from my normal life and circumstances?” I get frustrated because I know how hard it will be to take this courage back to the United States and continue this work in my own country. Although, I am grateful for this frustration because it motivates me to change my daily habits. It encourages me to make a difference not just for ten days in a foreign country, but every week in my own community.

I want to say thank you to all of you that have been praying for all of us down here in Rio. I love you all very much and wish all of you could be here experiencing this with us. Our lives will be changed evermore after this week is over with. God Bless you all. And in the words of my grandfather, Opa, “Stay Healthy, Happy, and Kind to All.”




Ange- For the past week, the first thing I do in the morning is get on my computer to check the Rio Journal. I can't wait to read about what great things you all did the previous day. Just as you will be challenged when you get back, my challenge will be to try to become half the person all of you already are. You are all very special people doing very special things. I'm proud!

PS - My eyes are watering!


First of all, you must have a great father. I have a CD of James Taylor too.

I'm watching you guys down there using basketball to reach kids and I just made a local connection with it as well. Coach Byrd will be participating in a program at our church called "Camp of Champions" on Wednesday night. This is where we use area coaches to teach skills in a variety of sports and teach the need for Christ. Two of our pastors have even had their sons give their life to Christ at the event. Our church is in your hometown of Hendersonville at Long Hollow Baptist Church.

As long as you are willing, God will provide the opportunities like these to minister. May God bless.

Andy - Ditto what Dad said - I love you

When you become open and honest about yourself (as you have just shared), then it makes it even easier for others to see Christ reflecting in you. This trip has also given us back home time to evaluate our spiritual life as well. I'm like your Dad, sometimes I just have to walk away from the computer to find some tp to blow my nose :) Keep the flame burning!

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