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Anticipating the New Year

ChansinLast spring, all I wanted to do was to go on a mission trip. I was about to graduate from high school, and I wanted to spend half the summer overseas serving the Lord.

What better way could there be of furthering His kingdom? I thought.

Hours of searching the Internet and praying to find the exact place God wanted me to go resulted in nothing. I had no peace about any of the trips I read about.

Not now, He told me.

It was heartbreaking, but I trusted God knew best. He could use me just as much in my hometown as He could in another country. The summer turned out wonderful. I had a fantastic internship with the local newspaper, I got to often do my favorite hobby (swing dancing!) and I grew in my relationship with Jesus. In the back of my heart, though, I still wanted to go on a mission trip.

In two days, my wishes are going to come true. By Sunday afternoon I will be in Honduras. I had to be patient, but now I know God didn’t put the desire to serve overseas in my heart for no reason.

Am I really going? I keep asking myself. It doesn’t seem real yet.

I want to send out a heartfelt “Thank you!” for your support and prayers. Satan certainly won’t be happy that we are coming in Christ’s love to serve in Honduras. With your prayers and God’s strength, though, the trip can go smoothly. May God bless you, and may He bless the people of Cane, Honduras.

I don’t want to go just because I’ve wanted to serve overseas for so long. I want to go because you’ve already begun a good work there and have graciously allowed us to join You in it. This trip isn’t about me getting to go on a trip. It’s about You, Father, and about Your love for the Hondurans.
Please work out the details of the trip. Help us get over there safely and with no delays. Help us not get sick. Help us not lose or damage our belongings. Help us get along within our group. Help us communicate easily with the Hondurans. Help us be helpful. You know what needs to be done. Thank you!


Congrats to all of you. I am very excited that you are going on a trip that has the potential to change your life forever. I have had the opportunity to go on about 10 overseas mission trips. Each one has its special memories and lessons. However, I have learned that when God sends you somewhere, He takes you there with a purpose and you are blessed by being a blessing. God bless and I look forward to reading your updates!

that is so cool that you went to Honduras!!!!!! It sounds like a lot of fun. Especially to go to a different country to help other people.

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