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Lucy eats Honduras soccer ball

LucyAs my 5:45 6:45 a.m. Sunday flight looms, I’m a little stressed. Let’s hope it’s the “eustress” I learned about in high school health class--that happy stress that leads to getting things done.

I bought over $20 in stamps. Now I just have to write that letter. I have to do laundry, but first I need to pick the jeans up off the floor. Oh no, those granola bars need to be in neat rows in a Ziploc bag… It’s go time.

Lucy, my dog, helped reduce some of the butterflies. I was deflating a “Made in China” $5.95 soccer ball so it would pack better. I got distracted and later found the yellow ball on Lucy’s pillow. The soccer ball, meant for the youth of Honduras, had a love puncture.

So Lucy, in her innocent way, potentially ruined three years of fun for a group of Honduras youth. She rolled over with her legs up in guilt, but only because of my deep voice. She didn’t realize the implications of her crime.

Lucy’s act set the mood. I have another soccer ball—another $5.95.

I may be stressed, and love punctures may change the course of things, but I feel confident in letting God be God. I will be Nathan and I will pray for strength.


edit: 6:45 a.m. flight.
There's a good ole' journalism start for ya.

The 5:45AM typo did throw me a curve for a second. Arriving at the airport two hours before a 6:45AM departure is early enough, let's not show up before the ball drops in Times Square, OK?

Hi Nate! Hope you all made it ok! Roxy went straight to your room this morning to see if you were there.

I'm praying for you!!

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