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Brittney's Personal Thoughts


It's the day before we leave for Brazil and I'm so excited! I try and imagine what this trip is going to be like, but it
is impossible. I know this is going to be an amazing experience, and I hope to further develop my faith through
this. I am a little nervous, too. This is my first trip with Bdub and I pray the Lord will place the right words in my
mouth so I can impact the most people. I can't wait to see what these next few days will have in store, i'm counting
down the hours until we leave!!




What a wonderful opportunity this trip brings to you all! I'm anxious to hear more comments as you begin your mission journey in Brazil! Until then, I will be praying for you all; for safe travel, calm hearts, and words of conviction! God Bless You.
I love you Brittney!

Just a note to let you know how proud we are of you and the team - missionaries for Christ. What a great opportunity to learn and grow while sharing with others your talents and dedication to God. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. May God guide you always.
Aunt Debbie

Hey Britt - just think of the Brazilian seafood “gumbo” dish as an exotic "sushi" with squid, octopus, oysters, shrimp, fish, and several other things that you don't have a clue! Did you eat it?
Love, Momma

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