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Brittany's Personal Thoughts


I am so excited for this trip to Brazil. It is my second trip with Bdub, and I am looking forward to working with this group. I love seeing the smiles on the little children's faces when we arrive at each location, and I can't wait to see that in Brazil. I am so pumped about the lives we will be able to change and I know God has this trip all planned out and is just waiting for us to put it into action. Thanks for all the prayers and I cant wait til monday!




Have fun Brittany, stay safe, healthy, humble, and passionate for what you are doing. I am praying for you daily.

Brittany, it was so fun graduating with you- Im praying for you as a leader on this trip, and keep flashing that beautiful smile...God will work through it for sure! Love, Britt

Brittany, I'm thinking of you girls on this trip and hope you have many good memories to recall when you get home :)

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