Belmont University

"Where in the World are You Going, Betty?"

Betty Wiseman, leader of the 2010 Sports Evangelism Team from Belmont University talks a little about this year's trip just prior to departure from Nashville International Airport.



Blessings to all of you as you go. Be safe. Be strong. Be bold. Sherry and I are excited to follow your progress through these posts.


I hope you have a great trip as you journey over here! We are looking forward to meeting you and it has been very exciting to follow your preparation on this journal.

May you have lots to write in it this week :-)

May God bless each of you on your trip and may His light shine in you as you share his message.

God bless each of you on your journey. I pray for safety and many new members added to Christ's kingdom.


"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven". Matt:5:16 NASB

We pray that all your lights will shine oh so bright and that many will be blessed.

Love all of you and are praying for you.

Praying for you this morning that you will mount up on eagles wings, run and not faint, walk and not be tired. Remember that enthusiasm comes from en theos, God in you!! May today be filled with enthusiasm.
Larry Thrailkill

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