Belmont University


Malta 2010 - Belmont University - Sports evangelism Team A quick note from Debbie arrived just a few minutes ago to let everyone know that all is well and that everyone is checking into the hotel in Malta (click image for enlarged group picture).

Please note: Posting times for stories will match the time zone in Malta and may look a little strange to those of us in the U.S.



I am praying for this team in Malta. Thankful they have arrived safely!!

God bless this team. You are in our prayers!!!

We are grateful the team and their luggage all arrived safely with no problems and we are looking forward to getting to know them this week! Thanks to all of you who are supporting them through prayer and financially! Pray for them to get some good rest tonight as they start off to work tomorrow morning at my daughter Kathryn's school in Mosta.

THANK YOU! Robin Pinkston, IMB missionary in Malta

I'm glad you guys made it safe. God bless you all!!

I am expecting to hear great things from the team about how God is using you as you share your faith in Christ. Thank the Lord you all made it safely.

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