A glimpse into the treatment rooms
By Allison Courtney, Nurse Practitioner student
Thursday May 17, 2018
First official day of clinics! After three full days of taking in the new sights, sounds, and unique culture of the Cambodian people we set out this morning for our first clinic hosted at Freedom’s Promise Sewing Center. During breakfast there was a sense of anticipation and curiosity unsure of what we would be doing today but excited to see the day unfold. We circled up with students, faculty, and translators prayed for the day and moved out in faith.
As a team we saw the provision of God in so many ways both big and small. From covered waiting and treatment areas to powerful cross cultural prayer experiences God had clearly prepared a way for us and showed up in the details.
Intake and nursing station
We also saw how our hard work of team building and training on campus before the trip paid off! The team work was great all the way around and the translators were amazing. Our patients flowed through a variety of stations including intake, assessment and treatment, pharmacy, education, and prayer. The undergraduates nurses worked hard on initial intake and patient education including smoking cessation, stretching, and hand hygiene. The graduate nurse practitioners worked on assessment and diagnoses collaboratively with pharmacy students for the appropriate treatment course and every patient was offered prayer for their health and healing. Truly amazing team work!
Foot washing station
After clinic we traveled to Poipet and were greeted by a Christian NGO working locally with child trafficking and education. They had traditional Cambodian food ready when we arrived. What a blessing after such a long day! Tonight we are tucked into another hotel hopeful for a good night of rest before our second clinic tomorrow.
Praise be to God for He is mighty to seek and save the lost. Lord teach us to be your hands and feet in this beautiful ministry you have invited us into. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel your presence in this place.
In Jesus name, Amen
Nurse practitioner station