Health sciences students serve at local community health fair

Earlier this spring, students from the College of Health Sciences served at a health fair at the I.W. Gernert High-Rise in Nashville’s Edgehill community. Students from the School of Pharmacy explained and recruited individuals for a pharmacy needs assessment and students from the School of Nursing did respiratory system assessments and patient education. The health fair was planned and executed in part by members of the Nursing Education Partnering for Community Health Improvement (NEPCHi). Dr. Ruby Dunlap, Associate Professor of Nursing at Belmont, is chair of NEPCHi for 2011 and coordinated student participation in the health fair. In addition to Belmont’s College of Health Sciences, partners with NEPCHi include Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Tennessee State University School of Nursing, Metro Public Health Department, the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance, and Tennessee State’s Extension services. NEPCHi is also facilitating a joint pharmacy study by Vanderbilt School of Nursing, Belmont School of Pharmacy, and the Edgehill community leadership.