Farewell for now…

2011 Mission Trip to Cambodia
from Suzanne Hutson, Nursing Student
As the week comes to an end our group is met with a bitter-sweet feeling. We must say goodbye to our new friend Cambodia and say hello again to our loved ones.
Today we said goodbye to our wonderful friends at the hospital. One of the nurses made us a feast that was served Cambodian style, called “hot pot”. There is a hot plate with a pot of broth in the middle of the table with vegetables, meats, noodles, and other yummy things such as pork rinds to put in the pot for cooking. It was a huge meal and we shared it with our friends who showed their immense appreciation. We tried to express our gratitude to them since we have found them to be truly servant-hearted, gracious, generous and full of love. We were showered with gifts. Different team members expressed their feelings and explained that our experience here in Cambodia has been one full of love. The main highlight that most everyone from the 2011 team shares about this country is the love. We can sure learn from this abundance of love!

At night we joined the Phenom Penh church to be amazed by God. We were challenged with the question, “are you still amazed by God”? It was so refreshing to join this group of believers to worship and fellowship. Their passion and zeal is obvious and contagious.

    I jotted down in my journal different lessons I have learned during my treasured time here in Cambodia:

  • love without hesitation
  • be happy where you are while you are there
  • instant friends can be made with just a smile and hello
  • the body of Christ is everywhere!
  • laugh when the language barrier is just a big struggle and no one gets it!
  • don’t eat noodles and rice for every meal…it gets old fast!
  • love is contagious and much can be learned from simple actions

Needless to say, I have learned things that I would not have been able to learn anywhere else this trip. I am so thankful and sure that this is where I was supposed to be, when I was supposed to be 🙂