Miss Tennessee Teen All-American aims to study nursing at Belmont

From the Paris Post-Intellegencer. . . .
HannahRobison.jpgHenry County High School senior Hannah Robison is the new Miss Tennessee Teen All-American. She won the title Oct. 10 in Lebanon.
Hannah participated in evening gown, interview and swimwear before she was selected the state winner. She now advances to the national Miss Teen All-American Pageant in Philadelphia in 2011. The national title was won in the past by actress Halle Berry, spokesmodel Debbie James and former Miss USA Lynette Cole of Tennessee.
Hannah is a 2010 Girls’ State representative and is her senior class secretary. She hopes to study nursing at Belmont University beginning in the fall of 2011. She was also a 2010 participant in the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine at Harvard University.
Hannah pulled off a rare double earlier this year. She was the Hostess Princess for the World’s Biggest Fish Fry and also was named queen during the Fairest of the Fair pageant at the Henry County Fair, thus winning the top two beauty pageant titles in the county during the same year.
Hannah is the daughter of Pam and Rusty Robison.