Haiti Update #3

Jen Watters Haiti Blog
Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 6:00pm
Jennifer Watters Mission Small.jpg Bonsoir! (Good Afternoon!)
This has been a very bittersweet week for me in Haiti, which so many amazing things and also some big challenges. First, I found out on Tuesday that my grandmother passed away on Monday, her visitation was Wednesday and the funeral mass on Thursday, so there was really no possibility of me to go. It was really hard for me to be here in Haiti, so far away from everyone, but I did get to talk with my family several times – they even called me on my Haiti phone when the skype wasn’t working out, which I am sure they will regret when they see their phone bill – but I definitely appreciated it. Everyone here was great too and I got lots of hugs from my housemates! My grandma loved angels, and even though I am sad that she is not with us here, I know that now she is resting with the angels and I am comforted by the thought =) If you think of it – your prayers for my grandma and for my family will be much appreciated!

Even with all this going on – the week was still full of amazing blessings. First of all, God allowed my friend Louise and I to be witnesses to a miracle! The first weekend that we went to mass at the cathedral we noticed a little boy who kept his arm above his head the whole mass, and I noticed that he wasn’t moving his fingers. I saw his grandma take his hand and put it on her rosary, then she closed her eyes, leaned down and placed her forehead on his hand. She was praying so hard, I couldn’t help but be moved to pray along with her. I asked God to please answer her prayer and heal this little boy’s hand. Then I felt in my heart – maybe that’s why God sent me here, to Haiti, to help heal people through my work. I talked with Louise quietly and we decided we would speak to them after mass. But after communion, which is a bit chaotic there, we couldn’t find them and I became really upset. I felt like I had failed already! Then at the very end of mass she came up to me to say hello and I was so relieved. Louise, who speaks Creole, took her phone number and told her about HI and our clinics. She said that his arm had been like that since the earthquake and that anytime he put it down, it hurt so badly that he started crying. We told her she should definitely take him to the doctor, but then we hadn’t heard from her since. Louise tried calling several times, but with no answer. She finally got a hold of her on Monday and called me right away. The grandmother said that she actually hadn’t taken him to the doctor, because she didn’t think he needed to go anymore. Louise asked why not and the grandmother said that ever since they left church that Sunday his arm had been completely fine!!! I was shocked when she told me. I was actually in the clinic when she called and I started crying, and everyone asked if I was happy – so I must have looked it even with the tears!! So God doesn’t really need me after all – quite humbling! He is just working through me when he chooses to. Otherwise he can do anything He wants on his own! Bon Dye Bon! (God is Good!)
Some other high points this week:
– I got to rig up a platform rolling walker for a little girl who hadn’t walked since the earthquake. She is nine and has been carried everywhere because she has a nerve injury which has paralyzed her right arm and hand and a foot injury that keeps her from putting weight on her left leg. So, the doctor at the hospital next door gave me a platform and we had some pediatric walkers. She had the biggest smile on her face!! It’s still not really practical for long distances because it’s big and heavy, but for around her tent she’ll at least have a little more independence! We took a picture of her and I and the jerry-rigged walker – I’ll attach it to the email. I didn’t quite have all the hardware I needed, but she doesn’t weigh very much – right??? At least it seemed pretty sturdy to me =)
– Yesterday I got to work with a new patient who had a stroke during the earthquake and who hasn’t really had any therapy since. He has made some nice gains on his own, but definitely has a lot of tone kicking in. When I had him moving his arms and legs himself, I thought he was going to cry! We got up standing, did some balance and pre-gait stuff to prepare for walking and even took some steps along a stable surface (which was actually the handle of a locked wheelchair which I made my interpreter drag across the floor with every step – it was the best I had!). I work with stroke patients a lot at home and really enjoy it, so it made my week to be able to use my neuro experience to make a difference for this guy. He lives very close to the clinic where I will be next week, so I’m hoping I be able to see him more regularly – especially since that clinic is a little less busy – yeah!!! =)
So, yesterday I said goodbye to CDTI – the antenna where I have been working since I arrived. It has been very busy this week, which is good but also a little stressful. Next week I will be changing to another antenna for two weeks, then I will return to CDTI. I think that this will be a great comprise between change and continuity. I’m definitely looking forward to a little bit quieter clinic (at CDTI we were seeing about 40 patients a day!!) where I can do a little more teaching with the staff and also some more work in the community. Also, the hospital near that antenna is staff by Cubans – so I will get even more practice with my Spanish!!!! woo hoo! I need to brush up on those Spanish med terms!!! =)
Today we had a great Sunday, which started off with church in the morning. There were nine of us that went this week, which was great! Then we ventured out to the grocery store and even tried out a Haitian fast food restaurant. Which I can pretty decidedly say I will not be returning to. . . But it was an experience. This afternoon was very hot, but a couple of us took a field trip to one of the other houses – “Maison Twa (House three)” aka “the museum”. Which is a very nice house that HI has rented for some of the staff. They even have a swimming pool – which was an amazing treat!!! Now I’m back at the house, with time to write my email, clean up a bit, relax with a book then tuck into bed. Quite a nice Sunday!!
I’m excited for a change next week and am looking forward to meeting new staff and trying out a different antenna. The change over in staff has started – actually it’s pretty constant with people coming and going all the time. I have had a couple friends leave already and more will next week, which makes me a little sad. But new people are also always arriving. And now we have an Australian in the house and she doesn’t speak French either – yeah!! an ally!!!
On that note, I should probably wrap this up! I love you all lots. Sorry I’ve been bad about responding to emails this week. I’ll try and catch up in the next couple days. We have had some power and internet problems at the house, but all seems to be well now. I’ve also attached a photo of my clinic at CDTI which I took from the roof of the hospital on one of my lunch breaks last week. So, now you can see where I’ve been working. Thanks again for all the prayers and well wishes, they mean a lot!!
Great BIG hugs!!!!
Jen =)