Belmont University

WOW What an Amazing Week

debbie.jpgLast day—WOW what a week. We ended our ministry this morning at a girl’s school. Imagine 750 screaming teenage girls sitting outside in the “hot” sunshine around a basketball court watching our student-athletes in action – it was quite a show!!! We were able to speak with the entire school and express our true reason for being in Malta – our personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

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I can’t really describe how I have felt watching Brandon, Mick, Haley, Cacy, Drew, Adam, Whitney, Rachel, Keaton, and Tristan share their personal testimonies to hundreds of young people and adults all over Malta and watching life changing decisions being made for Christ. It has been a blessing beyond description and I thank you.

debbie-and-betty.jpgAs we get ready to head home I want to say a special thank you to Betty for leading us as only she can, to Tony for capturing our experiences, and to Belmont University for giving us the opportunity to minister in Malta. I would like to conclude with a prayer for this team as we continue our life’s journey:

I offer my life to You, Jesus Christ, for you to live in me and through me.

Here is my face – shine from it.

Here are my ears – hear the cry of hurting persons through them.

Here are my eyes – see the faces of those who need Your blessing and bless them with the healing look that radiates from You, my Lord, through my eyes.

Here is my tongue – speak through it. Speak words of encouragement and affirmation.

Here, O Lord, are my hands – use them to touch, stroke, hold, lift, and steady another human being.

Here O, Lord, are my feet – walk where You want me to go and may those who follow my footsteps be following Jesus Christ!




Not that I am prejudiced or anything, but you fit in the same 'awesome' category as Betty and Tony.

Hugs around!

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