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Winding Things Down

Yesterday was one of those mission adventure days when the schedule flies out the window just as soon as the ink dries on the paper. It was a day of finishing up the service project for the school library, for launching a photography project with the MTSU team, for working through lunch, and for a generally hectic race to return to our lodging before the dining facilities closed. Every one is doing well and each member of the team is working hard. The number of influential contacts in the area continues to grow and the list of projects and mission opportunies seems to increase exponentially with every turn in the road. Thanks to one and all for your prayer support!

Obviously, our schedule yesterday prevented us from getting Internet access...remember, there is one Internet access point in the entire town of Cane. Today, the owner decided to rewire the four computers hooked up with the satellite and unforunately, that means that we are down to one coputer for now. Chansin and Nate have stories ready to load in, so I am outa´here!