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Similarities Trump Differences

water.jpgIn Honduras I drank Coke from a straw inserted into a tied off bag. I have bought a half liter of water for a dime and half a penny, or 2 lempiras. The water was in a bag.

I didn’t know the proper way to drink this bag of water. Matt and I discovered the bags at a hardware store in Comayagua.

We learned you tear the corner and consume.

One of our translators, Pedro Macado asked Don’t you have those in America?


There are so many differences between North and Central America, but today I was struck by the similarities.

kids.jpgOur group went to a school in Cane to paint the walls. A group of kids waited at the door to help. At first they seemed angelic, images on a TV. A smile of a young girl still haunts me—the purity in her eyes.

Later, as work ensued, I started seeing them more as kids—not kids from Honduras.

They would act up when their supervisors were away, playing sword fight with their brooms.

Honduras kids? No.


Just kids.


Hi Nathan,

Great post. I agree with you. Kids are kids- real, honest, unencumbered, trusting, mischievous, playful. You're doing some good things. I'm sure they will never forget you.



Hello all,
I would like to say nice postings and enjoy your trip to honduras.I served a year in comayagua with the military.I enjoyed the country and communication with the people was a great delite! How is traveling over there at this point? I would like to make a trip to comayagua and viste friends as well as site see.

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