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Monday Update

chansin_milking.jpgFile this under the "Oh, I forgot to warn you" category: Early moring milking in Cane, Honduras is a process that includes a 30+ minute hike across a rocky plane...without any light other than the sunrise peeking from behind a mountain range. Monday's award for moving way beyond the 'journalistic comfort zone' goes to Chansin who discovered that what dairy farmers do on the business end of a milk cow isn't as easy as farmers make it look. The answer to 'why were we up at 5:00AM to capture milking pictures?', is a story that is ends around dusk with a block of cheese. Part of today's adventure was filling in the story gaps between the pasture and the cheese press.

Through the day today, I have watched Chansin, Nate, and Matt go about the business of interviewing, discussing story ideas, composing on laptops, and shooting all kinds of pictures. They are off to a terrific start to telling the stories of the people of this region. I'm pretty sure that it is safe to say that our impressions have changed as we have all met new people and observed what life is like in the village. On the heals of our hostess, Clemintina Martinez, we have been welcomed into homes by complete strangers and treated like family at meal times...it is amazing.

We will be on the road Tuesday, headed for the mountains in northern Honduras to visit a prison...our travel schedule may eat into any time that we have to find an internet connection, so we may not be able to post stories until tomorrow. Until then, thanks for visiting...Reporting from Honduras.



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» Chasing Dragons in Honduras from Chasing the Dragon's Tale
So many incredible events filled the last 10 days that I will not attempt to post a synopsis now. Leave it to say that the Reporting from Honduras blog was a great success and that we all learned more than we bargained for. There were days that include... [Read More]


Thanks for the updates, and it's great to see you all having an impact. Jonathan and I just returned from a week in Guatemala yesterday, so we can certainly sense the world you are enjoying right now.

Great post. Love the picture with the cow...
keep up the good work and enjoy the sunshine!

I would like to wish you all God's speed there in Honduras. What an awesome and wonderful work you are all doing! We are so very proud of Chansin. May God bless you Chansin, as well as the rest of the group as you become God's hands and feet to the people of Honduras.

That's a classic picture....gotta love it! You will have to let everyone know the details of how this story ends! Hope things are going well.

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