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Will You Go Out Without Knowing?

Chansin“He went out, not knowing where he was going” – Hebrews 11:8

This morning God told me the exact thing I needed to hear. Isn’t it exciting when, in one of His subtle ways, He reminds you that He knows all your anxious thoughts and that He’s ready to take care of them?

It was when I read an entry from Oswald Chambers’s “My Utmost for His Highest”. The title for the day was, “Will You Go Out Without Knowing?”, and it referenced Hebrews 11:8 which talks about Abraham leaving his home to go to a place he did not know. Abraham simply obeyed God even though he had no plans.

I’m a plans-oriented person. I make goals. I plan out the hours. I have to work it all out beforehand because I want to know what’s going to happen. I want to be in charge. It troubles me when things are unorganized or don’t end up how I planned.

That’s why this trip to Honduras is a leap of faith for me. We have an idea of what we’re going to do, but it’s quite clear that “flexible” will be the word for the week. Although this usually would make me uneasy, I’m actually excited about it.

The Holy Spirit moved the apostle Paul from place to place on his missionary trips. I want the same for us. God normally doesn’t reveal everything immediately. He’d rather us rely on Him to walk with us each step of the way.

Also, I’m somewhat afraid to have too many expectations for the trip. Why? I don’t want to limit God. If I expected or hoped for God to accomplish something in particular, I could completely miss the even greater thing He has in mind.

Chambers was right when he said one of the most difficult questions to answer in Christian work is “What do you expect to do?” But like the old hymn, “His Love Can Never Fail”, says, “I may not know the way I go, but oh, I know my guide.”

Dearest Lord,
How I’m filled with joy and anticipation! How I’ve longed for so long to serve Your name overseas and bring the blessing of Your love to other nations! How complete my heart feels! This trip is exactly what I want to do with my life! I can’t believe I get to start already. Please may it be successful in Your eyes.
Please, Father, may my heart be pure and prepared before I go. I worry it will not be. I am anxious about the struggles I may face ... namely, the communication barrier. Other troubles are sure to threaten us because I know Satan will not be pleased with this mission. Guard us against him, and strengthen us through it.
Plan the way. We don’t know exactly what we’re going to do while we’re there and what will be accomplished, but You know. Help us to be sensitive to Your voice and leading.


This is a great project you are involved in. I will be praying for the safety of each of you and for God and the Holy Spirit to move you to do great things for the kids and others you encounter.
Happy New Year,

Chansin I am so excited for you and the experience you are about to have. You are in my prayers as well as the rest of the group. I'll see ya on the 9th. God Bless you.
In Christ,

Chansin, I am so excited for you. You are getting to do great things through Him, and the most incredible thing in this world, besides doing something for Him, is having Him 100% behind us. I will pray for you and hope that His word touches hearts.

What a beautiful ministry you have with that pen girl. Your heart is purified by Him. And you are soo encouraging to me. As you take one day at a time your faith seems to be an example to all. Satan can't stand against one fully clinging to God; I am pleased to know you. Your boys got my prayers as well on your mission.

Matthew 4:19 - Jesus said follow and somehow He would make us fishers of men.

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