Belmont University

Special Experiences

ANDYTonight was the night. There is always one night on these trips where everyone gets together and BW guides us through our thoughts and feelings. She asks us to reflect on our feelings about what we have done, about how it has affected us. She asks us to express our feelings towards one another and how we have seen each other interact throughout the week. “There is never another time like this, you will never be in this time again, talk about how you feel and say what you want to say,” she always says. She is so right. I believe everyone cried at some point tonight. Words, pictures, videos can depict our trip, but they can never portray the things shared and the experiences on a trip like this. When you completely pull yourself out of your own culture, schedule, and country you are solely devoted to those around you and whatever goal is ahead of you. Our goal was to give hope, inspiration, and encouragement, through the love and teachings of Jesus, to those living in desperate measures. We have accomplished our goal. Even if it was one or two children that were inspired or encouraged, we were successful.

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We heard a story today by the pastor of King of Kings Baptist Church, John Thomas. He told us of a 14 year old girl who knew that when she graduated high school, the best job she would get was to clean houses. She would make a total of 30 dollars a week and live in the same shack she grew up in for the rest of her life. Her goal was to live life to the fullest, having sex as much as possible with whoever she could in hopes that she would contract HIV and die at the age of 20 so that she would not have to live in the terrible conditions she was living in. We have spent all week in the neighborhood that this girl lives in. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have the same thoughts if I lived there too. It is a sad story, but underneath the sadness is a message of hope. Hope that there is a future for these children. And there is. Living Hope has done an incredible job with these communities and it is obvious the impact they have amongst the children. They encourage the children and spread a message of a better life. But it takes a revolution, it takes changing the way people live. Changing their way of thinking about how life can and should be. It cannot be done by just a nonprofit organization with 150 employees though. It takes our help. Our time and sacrifice. I encourage those out there reading this to get involved and contribute in any way possible. In order to make a difference, you must be different.

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There is something to be said for a woman who has spent the past twenty years of her life investing time, money, and love in twenty-year-olds to travel the world and grow in their faith. BW is amazing. The guidance she gives to the small groups of student-athletes on these trips is remarkable. The influence she has made on me, will affect the way I am as a husband, the way I treat my friends, the things I say to my children and the way I live my life. How profound is her impact on the students and people she meets. She is a hero in my books.



As great as the experience was for you guys, it was 100x better for the lives you touched in South Africa! You all are an amazing group of kids!

Keep up the good work!

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