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No. Really. It's the HEAT!

Maturine - 115FJenny Conkle
Brittany MyersBetty Wiseman
I am not sure that our missionary friend, Paul Scott, did us a favor this morning by bringing a thermometer to the ball court at our second school stop. If you can see the thermomenter in the image on the right (or enlarge that picture), the thermometer is telling the truth. It was over 115 degress on the concrete playing surface where the rest of these pictures were taken. If it weren't for sunscreen, the words London Broil might be meaningful to the skin condition of our players...did I mention that it's hot???

Betty read scripture this morning about our visit being like a cool drink of water to the elementary students at La Escuela Basica Creacion. This is a less privileged area of the city. Many of the students are led toward drug trafficing at this age. Many may receive only one meal each day. Bringing a message of hope to these children made the heat seem far less significant than our purpose for being there. We played games and relays until it was time to sit near the shaded, second floor walkways. With heads bowed and the court quiet, the simple prayer echoed in Spanish from Betty's interpreter rang out again from the young voices seated around her. You really had to be there...and we know for a fact that many of you are here, with us in prayer, "If we've not said thank-you, it is not because those prayers aren't felt or appreciated. They are simplying working. Please don't stop praying." BW

We gave Paul Scott the bad news this morning. He can't keep Betty Wiseman in Venezuela, baked in the sun or otherwise.