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matt-and-boy.jpgLast night was an awesome experience. We went to a Brazilian Sunday night worship service. I stood there in awe as I was a part of more than 2,000 people worshipping God in a jam-packed building. For more two hours these people praised God with all of their hearts. God is truly alive and active here in Brazil!

matt-keaton-and-boys.jpgYesterday morning was also great to be a part of. We were fortunate enough to visit a private community and share the Gospel with hundreds of children and their parents. Many spoke very good English, and I even met a sixteen-year-old boy who had lived in South Carolina for six years. We were able to carry on a conversation about how great God is and the personal relationships we have with Him. All of these children were eager and excited to hear our message. Each time we step into a gym I have an even better time than the previous one. It is so incredible to witness God in full control when we go into a noisy gym and then quiet the children to share the word of God.

Today we have three schools to visit. It is hard to believe we only have a few days left—it feels like we have just got started! As I sit here typing on the bus on the bumpy streets of Brazil, I can’t help but think of how blessed I am to have been a part of this trip. Like Venezuela two years ago, I can feel the power of God working through my teammates and me. For my family and friends back home, I want to thank you for your prayers and your support. Thank you all for your backing of this Rio mission team. God is alive and well here in Rio.



Hey Matthew.
It´s Matheus,from sunday morning,the boy with the bulls jersey in the second picture. I like our picture here,and I cand send more for you for e-mail.

I just wanna say thanks for all things that you and the other boys and girls are doing here in Brazil.It´s great see people like you with a good heart. Yesterday was one of the most important and emotional days in my life.

Thanks for the gift too,I like the red shirt that you have give me.I will use in the Rio streets and I will watch your NCAA games.
Let´s keep talks for e-mail ok?
A big hug for you and the other boys and kisses for the girls.
Take care.

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