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It’s around 8:45 am on Sunday morning and we are on the bus heading to do a clinic. I’m on Tony’s laptop right now giving my personal thoughts on the trip so far. If you’re wondering why we are not heading to Church right now it is because down here in Brazil they have their main Church service on Sunday evenings. We are heading to a local Church tonight to worship and learn.

These first five days in Rio have been great! Everywhere our mission group travels you can feel The Lord working his magic in trying to make everything the best it can possibly be. That includes us giving the Brazilian people a basketball show of some sort by performing drills, inter-squad scrimmages and relay races. But more importantly that means sitting everybody in the gym down afterwards and letting them know how much Jesus Christ means to us in our life. A typical session of sharing starts off with BW asking a couple of us student-athletes to get up in front of them and give our own testimonies. And then BW will tell the gospel and offer an invitation to anyone who would like Jesus Christ to enter his or her life. Our main goal in this situation is to touch the hearts of as many kids as possible. We want to try to impact their lives by trying to strengthen each individual’s relationship with Jesus Christ. I truly believe that we have been very successful so far in doing this! There is nothing more exciting than getting a total stranger to give their life to Christ. And the best part about it is we still have five days to do this!!

I appreciate everybody who gets on here to read how our mission work is going. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to get to do this kind of thing with so many GREAT people. The trip is halfway over and I can already feel my relationship with Christ getting stronger. Thanks again and I just ask that you all could keep praying for us.





Thank You for being His servant this week. Keep up the good work. May God continue to pour out His blessings on the team.

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