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Brittney E

brittany-and-boys.jpgFirst of all, I would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers! They have definitely been received. Its unreal how God works, and he has been working more than I could imagine this past week. It feels so good to be apart of it. All my life I would read the scripture about being “fishers of men” and going throughout the world spreading God’s word, but I always wondered how and if I would ever get the chance. Well, B-dub (Betty Wiseman) gave me that chance through this trip (I do hope I get many more chances also!) and it has been one of the best experiences of my life!

brittany-test.jpgFriday I spoke about my faith in front of a group of people (who I didn’t know) for the first time in my life. It was the most rewarding experience ever! I hope you all get the chance (if you already haven’t) to do the same. The way a room full of loud and wild kids will come to a complete silence is definitely God’s work. As for when I was speaking, it was like God put specific words in my heart to say to these kids. Even though I had practiced and rehearsed my testimony (word for word might I add) multiple times, when I stood up to speak a “different version” came out. Maybe it was just nerves and I forgot what I had prepared, but I think God changed my words for a reason. Because its His work we are doing not our own!

The past couple days I had been feeling a little “under the weather,” and had to miss a couple activities. At first I was discouraged and questioned why God even sent me here. What was his plan or reasons? My knee is injured, so I am limited to the amount of basketball I can play, and now I am missing out on time I could be spreading his word! It didn’t make sense to my young, human mind. However, like usual God and B-dub were there to set my heart straight. Without knowing of my feelings, B-dub said something last night during our team reflection that really “hit me.” She told us that God had placed each of us in her heart and mind for a reason. She had been thinking about this trip, and who to take, LONG before she asked each of us. She also said that she knew why she had chosen each of us and God chose each of us for a special reason, too. I am extremely thankful for her words, because I realize now that I am here for a reason. We have all made an impact of somebody, somehow! Whether we ever know who or how, we are all here for a reason; we are all part of God’s mighty plan!

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers! God Bless!



How I praise God, and it brings such joy to my heart, that you know God has big plans for you Britt - and for all the team. Even Jesus took time to rest from the multitudes - your time "under the weather" was a time to help rest your knee. I pray you are feeling better. God bless you honey.
Love, Momma

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