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Betty's Personal Thoughts


It is Friday and graduation week-end at Belmont. There is so much excitement in the air! I am excited for these graduates, but I am most excited that when I leave the office today I will “close up shop” and be “on go” for RIO on Monday. I like reading the thoughts that team members are sharing in this journal as they prepare to go.

This team is going to be special! God has orchestrated the “calling out” of each one for his plan and purpose. We have a good mix of veterans who have been with me before, and some who are doing this for the first time. They are “glowing” as they drop by for last minute conversation. The next time I see them will be at the airport on Monday morning.

I have been reading the book of Acts again as I do prior to each mission trip. I love to read of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, his call by God to share the gospel, and his boldness in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. It inspires and encourages me over and over. It is always a reminder of how God can take a life and direct it for his purposes. I want to be like Paul – bold and unashamed of the gospel, ready and willing to endure whatever for the cause of Christ. I desire this same boldness and readiness for our team. I pray our hearts will be open to God’s leadership, his divine appointments, and that when the people of RIO see us they can get a glimpse of a God who is real and personal. I pray we will always be ready at a moment’s notice “to give the reason for the hope that is in us.” And, I pray that many will come into a relationship with God through his son, Jesus Christ, during our days in Rio.

I pray for health and strength, safe travel and good flight connections, energy and enthusiasm, boldness and courage, sensitivity and compassion, humble hearts, and freedom to share Christ, both in words and deeds. I keep singing the words to one of my favorite songs, Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.

I am personalizing and claiming Romans 15: 5-6 for our team:

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give us a spirit of unity among ourselves as we follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth we may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Our prayer for you is an abundance of divine appointments, good health, beautiful weather, great banana splits, and nightly restorative rest.

Paul & Deb

What is this about banana splits? :)

I feel very confident God is going to bless this team in ways that they can't even imagine. They'll come back into the states ready to pop and it won't be because of banana splits! "Fill their cups up, Lord. And Thank you for making a Blessing named Betty."

Oh Mary... you'll have to ask Betty about the banana splits, I'm not tellin' :)

God go with you for these very special days, guide you in every experience, and show
you the power of His word.
Nell Magee

Hi Sister Betty,
i have been lifting you and your team up in prayer for weeks now and will continue even harder now that the "big day" has arrived!! I can hardly wait to go myself this year!! Much love to you! Know that you are prayed over. We need a Cracker Barrel breakfast asap when we get back from our trips.

I am praying for your trip each and every day. I pray everyone stays healthy, humble, caring, excited, and filled with passion for what God has in store for them.

Know that I'll be praying for God's guidance for you especially as a leader, and for all those divine appointments he always has in store for you. Love you so much- Britt

Dear Betty,
I am Brittney's mom. What a blessed opportunity you (and Belmont) are providing for these young people. I pray that the Lord will use their talents and minds to touch the multitudes they will come in contact with throughout the next week. Thank you for your time and commitment during this wonderful journey.
Jodie Everhart

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