Belmont University

We're in a Hindi paper? And..some haiku.

Dr. Andi StepnickWe just stopped for a quick bite and while having ‘class’ outside an Indian man took our photo. The timing couldn’t have been better as we were, again, discussing the “guidelines” of visual documentation. On a whim, I decided to ask the man why he wanted our photo. Luckily, our guide Raj was able to translate. It turns out the man is from a “famous” Hindi paper (the name of which doesn't come to me right now) and wanted to put our photo in it. Since 26/11, many people-especially Americans-have canceled their trips to India and the economic influence will be felt by many. He wanted to show his readers that some of us are still coming to see India.

We’re not sure the photo will make it into the paper, but if anyone feels like googling, have at it! We told him we were from Belmont University. And, as I think of it, it makes Belmont’s ‘From here to anywhere’ seem pretty darn appropriate!

BTW, in an effort to amuse ourselves on the bus, we began to “write” haiku about our journey. Here are just a few…about our stomach woes, the lack of paper towels in bathrooms, one student’s birthday, our guide, Raj, who seems to know everyone and a sweet if somewhat awkward room service interaction that ended in a hug.

Paper towel ,you rock!
Always there for me at home.
Yes, please, dry my hands.
Queasy stomach stop!
Ok, fine; I’ll throw up now.
There. I feel better.
It’s Ross’s birthday.
Celebrate in India.
Woohoo, twenty two.
OH, Delhi Belly.
Won’t stop toying with our bowels
Even in Jaipur.
Hello, room service?
Your price is always different.
Happy New Year. Hug.
With my quads shaking.
Please, train, don’t stop.
What’s that on the mirror?
Funny travel vest.
Pockets, pockets everywhere.
You hold all my stuff!
Raj, you work magic.
Hot samosas from thin air.
Feed us, we’re hungry.

Bye for now, everyone! Not sure when we’ll be able to write again. Soon enough we’ll be headed back to the US. Hard to believe it!



Chris, Contained my comments as I didn't want to overdo it or embarrass you. Definitely following the blog, i.e I walk in the house and go straight to the computer! Can't wait to see you, call as soon as you get in! Love you, miss you and my prayers are with you all for a safe trip home. Mom

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