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The Prisoners of Marcala

purse_prison.jpgI have never been so comfortable around prisoners before.

Perhaps the bars that separated us put me at ease, or perhaps I’ve just never been around many prisoners in my life to know how they make me feel. I do know that the Honduran men in the jail we visited yesterday seemed like normal, easygoing guys.

I don’t think I have ever met such artistic prisoners before either.

Our group went to the town of Marcala. We wanted to meet the men at the prison there, find out their stories, and buy some of their products. They weave purses, hammocks, and necklaces. And their work is quite pretty. I bought two purses for myself.

The prisoners had committed crimes ranging from stealing a chicken to murder. But we didn’t want to focus on their mistakes. We were interested in their handiwork and their stories about life in prison.

They spend several hours every day weaving the threads together to make items to sale. Their purses hang on racks outside the prison building but inside the prison fence. They are eager to sell so they can have money to buy soap and other personal items. Many of them have families they are struggling to support. And some of the money must go toward buying more materials for their next artistic project.

Nate or I hope write a more in-depth article about the prisoners later.


It sounds like your trip is going very well. I truly enjoy hearing about your opportunities and I am looking forward to hearing more about the prison. That is a unique experience. Keep up the good work!

Not sure what the nature of your trip was. We just got back from a missions trip to Marcala. We went to the prison as well just to buy the products that the men had made. We met one of the prisoners and bought quite a few items. The guards and the prisoner expressed much appreciation to us for buying their crafts. The crafts are made so well. Our group wants to go back next year. I hope we can.

Hello!!! I am an honduran girl and I was born in Marcala...I was really surprised to read your artcle..I just want to thank you because you appreciate the work of our people...That is something that we as Marcalinos forget sometimes...I am living now in USA as an exchange student but in the first opportunity that I have I will tell about this surprise to my people there...God Bless You!!

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