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How my life has been changed

I’ve been told I would never be the same again. That’s what foreign mission trips do to you, they say.

“I’ve been changed” ... “I look at life differently.” People say these things when they come back home.

But how? In what way are they different? I don’t hear that answer quite as often.

Before I left for Honduras, I was worried I’d have nothing to say. I asked God to move in my heart so I could come back a more mature disciple of Christ.

Now it’s time for me to evaluate. How have I changed, and what has been accomplished?


* I have grown in the area of generosity. I plan to give of my own money and work to raise funds to help Cane and Clementina. Since this past summer I’ve planned on donating monthly to Compassion International, but I kept putting it off. Now I feel compelled to give the money I would have sent to the other organization to The KidSAKE Foundation instead so the soup kitchen can feed more kids. Now I look at each dime as a meal for a child in the soup kitchen, and I am more careful about what I buy. I realize how little it takes to fill a need.

* My desire to learn Spanish has been renewed. Communication wasn’t too difficult while I was there because I know Spanish basics and an interpreter was always nearby, but if I ever go back there or to another Latin American country, and if I really want to connect with the people and get to know them, then I must know their language. The children easily dismissed our talking problems; they just wanted to play. But if I want to really share God’s Good News with them from my own lips, I need to learn Spanish well. I’m not sure how I will do it, but I know I will try.

* The fact that God’s timing is perfect is further etched in my mind. I wanted to do mission work last summer, but God said no. If I had already gone on a mission, then I doubt I would have gone on another trip to Honduras over this Christmas break. Things would have turned out so much differently.

* I found a living example of what true self-sacrifice and compassion is. Jenny Rogers is an amazing woman that I’ve come to love. I hope to take after her example of servanthood because she takes after Christ.

* This trip was confirmation in my heart that God’s will for my life (to serve Him through writing) is the only thing that will satisfy me. I was able to get a taste of it this week. I more specifically want to write about foreign missionaries and document how God is moving in other countries, but this trip was a wonderful first step in reporting while on the mission field. I know I have much learning and improving to do, and I’m excited about these next years as God develops my writing skills.

* Ultimately, God showed me where He wants me to invest some of my time, prayers, and money. I believe in the work of Jenny and The KidSAKE Foundation, and I want to partner with her in helping Cane build the new soup kitchen. I believe God will use many people to see the village rise out of poverty and become self-reliant.


* Clementina now has the money to start her nonprofit foundation.

* The plans have been set and people on both ends understand what steps need to be taken to build the new soup kitchen.

* Cane’s elementary school has a freshly painted library, new lights, and hundreds of new books.

* The children had the joy of taking pictures from their own disposable camera.

* The soup kitchen has better electricity.

* Photographs and video footage have been collected to create promotional videos to raise money for Cane.

* A blog of personal thoughts and articles has been created to explain the need of Cane, the purpose of The KidSAKE Foundation, and to document the trip.

* Needs have been assessed – from the school, the soup kitchen, the villagers, and several nearby orphanages.

* Toys, medicine, and other items have been left for the villagers.

* Item such as purses and bracelets have been collected for The KidSAKE Foundation to sell to raise money for Cane.

* Contacts and phone numbers have been exchanged to help with future mission trips.

* The future involvement of team members has been solidified.


go girl!

I´m glad to read that the trip helped you become a better person. take care of yoursel.
God bless you.

Dear Chansin,

I am humbled by your remarks, as I know I myself have much to learn, and I thank you for your service to the KidSAKE Foundation and to the village and people I have come to love so much like family.

What a neat birthday present! (my birthday is today).

I look forward to getting together with you to map out plans for the upcoming months.

Take care,

I am very glad to hear that you have had time to reflect upon your experiences. Your thoughts are great and I encourage you to keep seeking for what else God may have for you.

In Christ,

Dear Chansin:

You might not know me but Jenny and Jetta visited me in Honduras at Marcala, La Paz when you were here earlier this year, I really enjoyed reading your posted articles and specially this one, God's timing is really perfect. I'm glad HE used the needs' of these people to make you into a better person, Investing wisely is what every business person wants Time,Prayer,and money invested in God's work has the best return over investment...

God bless you and keep your feet and mind directed by HIM.

In the LOVE of my LORD Jesus Christ

Javier Tamashiro

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