Health Sciences faculty receive promotions

Congratulations to the following faculty members in the College of Health Sciences who received promotions this summer.

School of Nursing
Martha Buckner from Associate Professor to Professor
Angela Lane from Full-time Adjunct to Assistant Professor
Erin Shankel from Full-time Adjunct to Assistant Professor

School of Occupational Therapy
Shelley Hix from Instructor to Assistant Professor
Tamara Garvey from Full-time Adjunct to Assistant Professor
Camille Turner from Full-time Adjunct to Instructor
Emmy Dagnan from Full-time Adjunct to Instructor

School of Physical Therapy
Renee Brown from Professor to Professor & Chairman

Social Work Department
Jennifer Crowell from Full-time Adjunct to Assistant Professor

Martha Buckner

Martha Buckner


Erin Shankel

Shelley Hix

Shelley Hix


Tamara Garvey


Camille Turner


Renee Brown


Jennifer Crowell