Physical Therapy Students Volunteer at Garrett’s Hero Run

Garrett Hero Run group photo

On Oct. 5, several Belmont University Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students volunteered at Garrett’s Hero Run, a 5K event to raise money and awareness for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.  Garrett Sapp, the event’s namesake, has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and  is the son of Belmont DPT alumna, Amber Sapp (’05), and her husband, Randy Sapp.  The annual event is organized by the Sapp family to raise money for a nonprofit organization called Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD), which is the largest nonprofit organization devoted solely to ending Duchenne.

Dr. Christi Williams, associate professor in the School of Physical Therapy at Belmont as well as a fellow 2005 alumna and classmate of Amber’s, shares Garrett’s story with current PT students at the start of each fall semester. “I feel strongly that there is something special here at Belmont, and we refer to it as the ‘Belmont PT Family.’  This ‘family’ serves to support you when you need it most,” Williams states.

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Dr. Williams Invited to Professional Summit for Animal-Assisted Interventions

Williams with Layla at VUMC

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Dr. Christi Williams was one of approximately 20 individuals throughout the United States who were invited by the organization Pet Partners to attend a professional summit in San Antonio, TX this past month. Pet Partners is a nonprofit organization that registers handlers of various species to serve as volunteer pet therapy teams.

Pet teams provide animal-assisted-interventions for a wide variety of needs, including patients in healthcare facilities, kids with reading disabilities, students around exam times as well as adults and children in courtrooms, in crisis situations, etc. All of this work is done with the intent to help reduce stress and anxiety and improve human health and well-being through the human-animal bond.

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Dr. Williams and Belmont Students Elected to TPHA Leadership Positions

Dr. Christian Williams, director of Belmont’s public health program, was chosen as chair for the Program Committee and chair of the Public Health Academics Section for the Tennessee Public Health Association (TPHA), one of the nation’s largest affiliates of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

Two Belmont public health majors were also appointed to leadership positions by their peers. Jaylen Palmer was selected as co-chair of the Student Section and Lillian Adamson was chosen as the Middle Tennessee representative for the Student Section.

TPHA is the state’s official professional organization for those engaged or interested in public health and is endorsed by the administration of the Tennessee Department of Health. Through TPHA, professionals and students who represent diverse service areas have opportunities to meet and share ideas in an effort to maintain high standards of quality in all aspects of public health.