Pharmacy student gets practice experience in Haiti

IMG_2503-300x200Fourth-year pharmacy student Shaneika Walker and pharmacy faculty member Ashton Beggs recently returned from a one-week medical mission trip to Gobert, Haiti. Walker was selected for this Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) last spring. Under the supervision of Beggs, Walker was involved in all medication-related aspects of the trip planning, which began summer 2013. The medical team purchased medications from Blessings International, and it was the responsibility of the pharmacy student and pharmacist to decide which medications and the appropriate quantities to order to treat the variety of disease states encountered. Medications were packaged and labeled appropriately for shipping to Haiti for both the general and health literacy of the Haitian population.  While in Gobert, Walker and Beggs were in charge of dispensing medications and counseling patients on each medication dispensed.

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PT students and faculty visit Tennessee lawmakers

On Tuesday, February 18,  70 physical therapy students along with 4 PT faculty participated in the Tennessee Physical Therapy Association Day on the Hill.  They attended a session that covered an introduction to the legislative process, how to visit with a legislator, and how to become an advocate for the physical therapy profession. State Senator Doug Overbey spoke with them on the importance of getting to know their legislators.  The students were then given a guided tour of the Legislative Plaza and the Tennessee State Capitol.