2010 Pine Ridge Trip
When I signed up for this trip, I thought it was a “cultural immersion” trip. I thought we would be seeing some new things, participating in some cool things and eventually working on our community health project…But never did I imagine I would have such an amazing spiritual experience! To get to know and understand the Lakota culture is to delve into spirituality completely. You cannot know their culture without opening your mind to a beautiful way of thinking.
Between the talks with a story-telling revered elder, Leonard Littlefinger, and talks and sacred ceremonies with the highly spiritual interpreter/medicine man, Basil Braveheart; these men, along with others in the community, have shown us nothing but open arms and kindness in their quest to educate us. But what they are doing is so much more than education…
Daily Archives: May 24, 2010
“You are Amazing, God”
2010 Mission Trip to Cambodia
from Stephanie Brooks
Today I went to a nearby village with the Center of Hope Mobile Clinic. I was awestruck to find houses made of leaves and mud with a dozen or more people living in them. The ground had turned to mud from yesterday’s rainfall, so the piles of trash that had been pushed aside were now embedded in the floors of people’s homes. It is very similar to the slums in the city, but it’s distant location makes it harder to keep supplies stocked. I was immediately aware of the constant struggle to maintain basic needs.
We set up two tables- one for initial screenings and vital signs, where I was, and another for the physician to prescribe and distribute medications. Approximately thirty patients, ranging from ages 6 months to 79 years, were screened and given appropriate medications. I cannot begin to explain their gratitude! Countless hugs and smiles were dispersed 🙂 I was truly humbled that someone who has no money, children to feed, and an illness to bear in those conditions could find the strength to laugh and feel joy. I wanted so bad to do more for them, like bring them food, build them a better home, or simply buy them shoes. I felt so blessed today, though, to have the opportunity to help in the way I feel called and hopefully provide some comfort.
A patient needs blood…
2010 Mission Trip to Cambodia
from Keary Dryden
This morning when I walked into the surgical ward to see Victoria who was assigned there today, “Dr. Cornelia” was making rounds and checking on a patient. She turned and said to the group of nurses and doctors that the patient would need blood transfusions and that a donor (or two) was needed. The patient’s only family member was his young daughterand could not donate..I did not realize at first that she was asking someone in the group to volunteer…and it did seem that she was looking right at me! So of course I volunteered and so did Victoria.