Belmont University

Strength of Relationship


It’s our last day and I am already starting to realize how much I am going to miss Cape Town and all the people I have met and talked to about Christ. Today I have been going through in my mind all the places we went, all the people we met and the lives we changed. I can’t believe how fast the trip has gone and I have mixed feelings, I’m excited to go home but I want to do more for these people and I am going to try my best to help as much as I can from home. Every place we visited was amazing and the kids were so full of joy and beautiful. My favorite place of all was a place called Red Hill. It was probably the poorest community but it was full of the happiest people I have ever met in my entire life. The people we encountered all knew about Christ and had relationships with him, you could see Christ in each of their faces as they joyously sang and played games in the worst conditions. Women and children praising god from the doorways of their small tin shacks and dirt floors really opens a person’s eyes about their own relationship with God and a lesson of humbleness and selflessness.

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Throughout the trip I have really bonded with the team, those that I already knew I am closer to and the members I didn’t know very well I feel I have gained a strong friendship with. Since we stayed at the team house with another group of Belmont students I also gained friendship with many of them. I feel so blessed to have met all of them and I can’t wait to hang out with them when I get back in the states. I just feel blessed in general about the opportunity of this trip and how it has made me a better person and has strengthened my relationship with God. I am so thankful and would love to return to South Africa and help in any way I could.

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Whitney, I am so proud of you. I know sometimes you have wondered why you were at Belmont. I think you were sent to Belmont for this reason - to learn empathy and compassion for others. You have always had deep feeling for hurting people,but sometimes we have to learn how to use those feelings. I am so glad you have had another opportunity to work under Betty Wiseman. She is a great example to follow. I thank Belmont Univ. for giving you this opportunity as others.
Love, Mom

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