Belmont University

Our Hearts Overflow!

Betty WisemanOur morning at Zerilda Park Primary School, Lavander Hill, was filled with kids, basketball, and volleyball. Eager faces with smiles as big as the ocean welcomed us. They were eager to get their hands on the balls. Excitement ran rampant. We shared time with a small class of little guys around 8 years old and had a really unique time of sharing God’s love with them, led by Stefan and Drew. Then we were overwhelmed with around 300 kids who came out of nowhere! Basketball skills and demonstrations by our team brought Oooh’s and Ahhhh’s, clapping, excited response. We finished with a game of volleyball and more cheers.

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A short lunch at the park consisted of sandwiches and water brought with us from the Team House. We proceeded to Capricorn for an afternoon of soccer. As we began to play a team of local youth more and more teams began to show up. A crowd of around 200 gathered as the afternoon progressed. Each team wanted to play the Americans. At least the field was better than yesterday. Our team played three games and had a powerful sharing time where Drew, Stefan and Andy captured their attention by giving testimonies of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. I closed with an invitation to receive Christ and there was a wonderful response as young men asked Jesus into their hearts. It was the divine appointment that we had prayed for in our morning devotional.

We played one more game and then said we just had to go since we needed some rest before an evening at Ocean View where basketball is on our schedule.

Tonight we arrived to find the activities cancelled. They couldn’t get anyone to open the facility. Were we disappointed? Somewhat, but relieved also that we could get back to the Team House at a decent hour. God provides for all our needs, even tired bodies. God is good and we look forward to all that is in store for us tomorrow.



Betty, I'm amazed at all you do....hope you are feeling better...Thank you for being such a wonderful christian role model to these young people.....This trip will impact them for the rest of their lives. Love, Holly

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