Belmont University

Anticipation of Showing God's Love

Rachael Hey everyone, starting to get things ready to go on my second mission trip with BW and a new group of athletes. Brazil was awesome and I learned and am still learning from things that I saw and heard from people over there. Now I'm onto my second journey and it's going to be as awesome as the first one. I've never been to Africa and will probably never get a chance to go back so I'm going to make the best of it while I'm over there trying to; Show the kids how much I love them, How much God loves them, and just have as much fun with them as I can in the short amount of time that I will be with them. Can't wait to get over there! When I do I'll give everyone an update on how things are going.




Rachel, I'm excited with you even though, honestly, I am having to totally keep putting you into God's hands. I saw how much the team's experience in Brazil moved you and refined you, so I am looking forward to see how God will use this trip! I love you, and I commit to pray for you and for each member of your team and for those to whom you will minister.

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