The best part of winding up a mission trip is to see and hear just how close of a group the experience has allowed us to become. We share our most intimate and personal testimonies with one another and feel just like family for it. The troubled times and great times in our lives all seem to be shared with one another during these trips. Today was such an eye opening experience for me when we were worshiping at the Masiphumelele Baptist Church. We pulled our Van next to an unfinished brick building and entered to African worship songs. The group eased in and sat down not knowing what to expect. I was sitting in the second row right near a window where I was able to see thousands of homes no bigger than closets, the lucky ones having a roof. I sat and listened to the most beautiful worship music I have ever heard not even understanding a single word. The holy spirit was moving in my soul and I struggled to fight back tears of all kinds of emotion. Music is a universal language, but even more God is a universal savior. It was as if God had allowed me to understand for a moment that his people are everywhere. His children are not just in Nashville at Belmont, but they are all over this beautiful universe. God’s power and vastness is impossible to imagine, but none the less all the real.
The day finished off with our last stop of mission work at the King of Kings Baptist church. A crowd gathered and waited our arrival to play the” great American basketball team”. The absence of basketball goals didn’t stop us and especially this creative group of South Africans. We proceeded to play a game called “Chair Ball”. Basketball without a hoop and a goal was simply throwing the ball to your teammate on the chair. As simple as this sounds, it was so much fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. After a massive warm up match, the players were broken down into four teams where we played a small tournament. The first match was a stacked number one squad led by Andy Wicke and Keaton Belcher. The newcomer Cacy seemed to be a sleeper and spark on the court as she meshed well with the two veterans. The first matched seemed to be no problem for this group as they advance 5-1 into the finals.
The next match was the three and four teams. I was on the fourth team which definitely had to be the most gifted and best looking team on the court. Let’s just say God was in a great mood when his hands molded these athletic specimens. My troop consisted of Whitney “steals” Seals, Carly “Contessa the Contenda” and of course of course myself “Bronze Back”. Our first challenge came from Driveway phenom D-Hanlen with Big Bird Mick holding down the defense. After a slow start, Our team hit them like a one, two combo from Ali, “DOWN GOES FRASIER”! we quickly dismissed team 3 and set our sights on Wicke and KB’s NightHawks. The Battle began and my team hadn’t missed a beat. With a commanding 4-1 lead we thought the game was in the bag until a brilliant last second coaching call from team captain and point guard Andy Wicke. Keaton now switched from a field player to the chair prevented a slight match up problem for my small but highly agile crew. Before we knew it Keaton had caught 3 goals and the game was tied. The next two plays are still disagreed upon as I write this blog. I went coast to coast where I forced the ball to the best goal catcher in the history of chair ball, Whitney Seals. Transfer and possession was made and a goal should have been called, but our Coach and ref BW seemed to be playing the rhyming game with Gordon the G-Boi driver. The next play Andy and keaton’s combo finished us off. We all know in our hearts who the true chair ball champs were today, and I know I’ll sleep nice and tight with the Gold medal around my neck. I must remind you; this story will be drastically different from team number one, different but far less exciting.
God is working in the lives of my teammates and it truly is amazing to be a part of such a great group of individuals. God has used each one of us during this ministry as his vessels to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. The funny thing is you come on trips like this to reach lost souls and God moves into your heart and soul and changes you forever. BW and Tony have been incredible leaders and we can only hope that God is wrapping up this work here in Cape Town saying well done good and faithful servants.