Belmont University

Isaiah 30:21

Sports Evangelism in South Africa 2009Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it."

- Isaiah 30:21 -

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What a beautiful sight! Both the landscape and the group! As I can't see your feet (the Bible says "How beautiful are the feet of those who spread the gospel."), I can't concur with the Word, but I can say that it is awesome looking into the faces of those who are spreading the Gospel! I'm glad you are there and safe. You are in our prayers.

Jan Swisher

It is so good to see that you have really landed. My prayers are that you each will have a special influence on someone, and that Africa will give you a special insight on life and love.
Cheryl Seals

My prayer for this group is for safety, power to speak up about Jesus, and influence lives of those you meet.

The world needs more people like you individuals! I hope each and everyone on of you bring more people to God and have a great experience!

Andy, I still want you in a shooting competition since Keaton can't handle me!

Have a great time and God Bless!

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