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June 15, 2005

Time well spent

JenniferWow God is absolutly amazing. It has been such a growing experience for me to learn from the people of Ukraine as well as my teamates. God has really revealled how precious his gift of salvation is. It is so easy for us to put God in a box and call him my God, the God of Belmont, the God of TN, or even the God of the United States. Even though he is all of these things, this trip has made me rememeber that he is the God of the universe and that his love can bridge all barriers. Even though we can not speak the same verbal language, we are able to communicate by through the language of love. We are all giving testimonys and praying in different languages, yet the holy spirit allows us to understand. I can not even begin to describe the overwhelming emotions that you experience when you pray with someone for them to recieve christ in there lives. If God doesn't do another thing with this group, our time has still been well spent. He has used each team member for a unique and special purpose that was not evident to any of us until we got here. Please continue to pray that God will use and protect each special member of this team.

Posted by Paul Chenoweth at June 15, 2005 07:13 PM


AMEN to that Jenn. We often put our God in a box and make him our God, but this trip is reminding me that HE reigns over all and that we are able to find common ground with anyone anywhere through Him!

Posted by: Dan Oliver at June 15, 2005 07:40 PM


I have enjoyed following your trip through the website...what an awesome opportunity to serve the Lord! It is a true blessing that God is bigger than all of our boxes...thanks for the reminder! Let me know when you get back in town...I look forward to talking with you!

Love in Christ,

Posted by: Mark at June 22, 2005 03:17 AM