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Rachel's Personal Thoughts


First of all I'm felling excited and nervous at the same time. I know after I start hanging out with the kids and everybody I'm going to make a connection and that is the exciting part because a piece of me will be left in Brazil. The nervous part I think comes from wanting to say the right things about God to each person I meet. I'm probably going to only see them for a day so I want to make sure I say everything that God wants me to, so I don't have any regrets when I leave. I think the trip overall will probably open my eyes to everything more than most of the people I meet. I'm very honored to be one of the people who get to go on this mission trip to Brazil.




I will pray that God fills your words with His wisdom. Sometimes you don't have to say anything. Just chill and allow God to be the awesome God He is!! I am very proud of you!!

I hope you school many young children the way you schooled us in volleyball, ha! I'm thinking of all of you and hope you have a great experience on your first trip!

Rachel, I'm so proud of you and of the opportunity that God has afforded you. I so remember my training in missions and feel that God has given me a double blessing through your experience. This experience will be one of the highlights of your life so continue to let God lead, and you will be a terrific blessing to others.

I think this is absolutely wonderful. Who would have thought that our big girl would be doing mission work in Brazil? I guess I would. I know that you you love the Lord and that you love children. That is a great combination for serving our Father and his Son. Love you Dad

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