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Another awesome trip has begun! Brazil is such a beautiful country and has the best chocolate cake…which is great for my sweet tooth! Yesterday we were able to interact with kids at a gymnasium about 3 hours away and today we played with a club team. Playing with them made me realize how much I missed basketball and talking with the young men afterwards made me realize how useful our God-given talents are in bringing others to Christ. At first I was hesitant as to whether we were making an impact on these people’s lives. In comparison to the Venezuela trip 2 years ago, I didn’t find as much “going on” these last couple of days. I was frustrated/disappointed at first because I felt like we should be doing more, but there wasn’t much to do. Then I realized that we did DO something. BW guided a young man yesterday and a group of the club players today to Christ. I was looking for a big group, but found that even a small number of people led to Christ are better than none at all. We go into the schools tomorrow, and I am eager to see the smiling faces of all the little children of Brazil. This team here is so awesome and I am blessed to be a part of it. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for in the days ahead.



I am sooo happy to hear that you all are "experiencing God" first hand. There is no greater gift than to join Him in His work. Reaching ONE more for Christ makes the choir up above always rejoice! Never grow weary :o)

Brittany, easy on the chocolate cake, I am glad you are enjoying the beautiful country, I knew you would miss basketball, and know that your smile I'm sure is doing wonders for the people there. Still praying for all you!

mmmmm... that's exciting about the chocolate cake. really though- it is awesome to hear the experiences that you are having over there! I have no doubt you are making an impact for Him on this trip. May God bless the rest of your trip Brittany and may He bring you all home safely and changed for His glory!

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